Understanding the latest State of CSS Survey

Hello, fellow developers! Ever find yourself puzzled by the rapid changes in the CSS landscape? You're in good company. The annual State of CSS survey serves as a valuable guide for us all. So, what are the key takeaways this year? Let's delve in.

New Features and Updates

First up, let's talk about the new features that are making waves—container queries and subgrid. These are significant advancements in responsive design, and they're already impacting how we approach layout. What's even more interesting is that browser vendors are using this survey data to prioritize their development efforts.


So, where is everyone from? While a majority are based in the United States, the survey represents a truly global community. And yes, English is prevalent, but the diversity in languages is noteworthy.

Popular CSS Features

Gap, Variables, and Aspect Ratio are currently in the spotlight. The Gap property, in particular, is seeing widespread adoption. Variables are proving to be incredibly useful for dynamic styling, and the aspect ratio property is gaining traction, especially for responsive design.

CSS Frameworks

The Tailwind vs. Bootstrap debate continues. Tailwind is gaining ground, while Bootstrap's popularity seems to be waning. Overall, the community seems quite satisfied with their chosen frameworks, which is a positive sign.

CSS-in-JS Libraries

Style Components were once the go-to solution, but it seems like CSS Modules are now taking the lead. It's an interesting shift and one that reflects evolving developer preferences.

Development Tools and Browsers

Prettier continues to be a popular choice for code formatting, and Firefox is making a surprising comeback for development tasks. It's a reminder that tool and browser preferences can shift over time.

Pain Points

Browser compatibility remains a significant challenge, even with modern advancements. Customizing form elements also continues to be a hurdle for many. These are areas where we hope to see improvements in the near future.

Learning Methods

Contrary to some opinions, videos and screencasts are proving to be effective learning tools. The survey data supports this, indicating that these methods are more popular than some might think.

Wrapping up

In summary, the State of CSS survey provides us with invaluable insights into where we are and where we're headed. The overall sentiment is positive, with only a small percentage of developers expressing dissatisfaction. So, it's worth keeping an eye on these trends and perhaps participating in future surveys.